If you are looking for a loan that can be borrowed for an extended term compared to short term loans then you can opt for long term loans. In Canada, you can find several lenders to suits your needs. Before you apply for this loan it is important that first you check the Annual percentage rate. APR is the interest accrued across an entire year which will be impacted depending on the loan amount you borrow. Also check the fee charged by the lenders. To ensure you find the right lender, go through the reviews of customers. Paying off a loan on time is important. It will help you save time and money. So, to ensure you pay off the loan on time, you need to keep a few things in mind. Put away the repayment amount every month in your bank so that you do not have to worry about not having enough cash in hand. Make an extra payment if possible. It will help reduce your total debt and get your loan paid off sooner. However, before you do this make sure the lender won’t charge for any ea